POPSTAR CELLESTE SINGS PROUD MARY MALIBU-STYLE – FIREBALL MALIBU VLOG 832 – After some Malibu goodness (Leo Carrillo Beach, LAX) Fireball heads to Cafe Habana to see Popstar CELLESTE perform.

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CELLESTE LIVE Wednesday Night at Cafe Habana Malibu!!

Want to see CELLESTE Live and in Full Power-Mode? Join Team Fireball as we Vlog her Live on stage at Cafe Habana Malibu this Wednesday Night. Musical Nuke goes off around 10pm, so get there early.

Cafe Habana in Malibu is a treat…

Compared to most towns, Malibu doesn’t have as many restaurant choices. Obviously, because we’re small. But not small in concept….

Last night I went out with Kathie and our friend John Tobin to Cafe Habana. A fairly new place here in the Bu, but with locations in New York and Brooklyn. We’ve put it off for some time because you know how it goes… You want something good and don’t always want to try something new. And Dukes was the plan. But, Kathie got the inspired thought to hit Cafa Habana because she heard they had some great vegetarian fare and the atmosphere was awesome. Well,.. I wasn’t so convinced, but being an inspired thought… we had to take action.

And as with ALL thoughts that permeate out of the ether, we did the right thing in listening. Why? Because it was way awesome. The night started out with this spicy Corn Cob on a stick drinkled with parmesan, cayenne and aioli. Couple of bites nearly blew Kathie’s top off, but she powered through it like a mouse to some european gouda.

Then, out came the fare. Ceviche, Tofu Enchiladas and Tofu Malibu Tacos. Now, I know what you’re saying Mr. and Mrs. Meat Eater. Tofu is for the birds… er, maybe snails. But not like this…. Besides Tofu being an enormous source of calcium, it’s all in the way you prep it. And big thanks to Manager Issac Mackie who led us into some seriously delicious territory. (But, they do have meaty yums also, so don’t freak.)

Our hostess, slash Hollywood Art Director Rachel was one of the nicest and most energetic plate dealers we’ve ever seen. The outdoor setting with the heaters and the Xmas lights were cool and the Vanilla/Chocolate Gelato covered in Mango Cubes was the nail in the coffin for me. I’ll be hitting the gym double time, but it was worth it.

Big thanks to Isaac and his team at Cafe Habana for a great evening of fun. Highly recommend the drive to Malibu for a great dinner. Check it out on Yelp.

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