Designer Bijan has a thing for Yellow…

So what if he’s got a hoyty toyty pad on Rodeo otherwise known as “The Most Expensive Store In The World.” So what if he’s from the Middle East and has dough falling out his zoorfat. So what if he’s a bit exccentrrrric. So what if he clothes the President, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise, Anthony Hopkins and Jay Leno. This dood can’t be all bad if he likes cars. Even if he likes them in yellow.

Now, many people have a propensity to insult or judge people for their tastes or whatever, but my philosophy is that if they like vehicular contraptions, they get a thumbs up. And that’s just plain good karma. Bijan’s got Bentley Azures, a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, a Ferrari 430 and this Rolls Royce Drophead Coupe. Plus, The Boogiegatti.

So Bijan… good on ya, dood. Now let’s go for a spin to Starbucks on you.

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