WACKY RACER, ZZTop, Celebs, Congo, & Ferrari Fast Delorean!

Welcome to AUTOMOTIVE POP CULTURE DAILY!! Today’s we start out with Fireball’s new PENELOPE PITSTOP COMPACT PUSSYCAT WACKY RACER MASTERPRINT ART! (Whoa, that’s a BIG one!) This is a fun one for YOUR GARAGE, OFFICE or even in the POWDER ROOM! (Is that still a thing? We hope so!!)

DID YOU KNOW?? Penelope was the main character in the 1969–1971 Hanna-Barbera spin-off series “The Perils of Penelope Pitstop.” In this series, Penelope was a rich heiress who was chased and endangered by The Hooded Claw. In the 2017 reboot of Wacky Races, Penelope had an evil twin sister named Pandora!

Also in today PUSSYCAT BLAST… Fireball hangs with BILLY GIBBONS from ZZTop to talk CADZILLA, PAUL WALKER is getting an upcoming Fireball TRIBUTE SKETCH and GHOSTBUSTERS ERNIE HUSDON celebrates Christmas with GHOSTS! Also, great VENTURA SUNSETS are happening… Fireball Client Commission called CONGO for KC, BANDIT ONE gets SLAMMED, a yippeekayyeaaa PINUP… and MORE FROM SEMA including a Ferrari-Powered Delorean!! Enjoy!!

In today’s GARAGE EPISODES… What do you guys think of a CLASSIC ELECTRIC MUSTANG MUSCLE CAR?? WATCH HERE! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Fireball’s Channel for more HOT RODS, KUSTOMS & HOLLYWOOD! Plus, Check the STORY OF THE ALL-WOOD ROADSTER below!!

  • SUBSCRIBE to the Fireball Tim Garage BLOG for an awesome daily dose of AUTOMOTIVE POP CULTURE CARS! www.fireballtim.com
  • What’s new in THE GARAGE! Check it out! https://fireballtimgarage.art
  • Fireball Tim has been a Hollywood Concept Artist for 40+ years, responsible for the design of over 400 film & TV Show Cars, Weapons, Sets, Props & Worlds!
  • THANK YOU for LEAVING A REVIEW in the Garage! It really helps!
    10% of all Sales goes to DOG RESCUES, so the Pups THANK YOU!
  • UNSUBSCRIBE HERE by sending an email to askfireball@fireballtim.com with UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject Line.

Penelope Pitstop Wacky Racer Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars Billy Gibbons ZZTop Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars Paul Walker Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars Ernie Hudson Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars Ventura Sunset Congo Truck Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars Bandit Trans Am Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars Cowgirl Pinup Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars


Delorean Tim Machine Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars

CyberTruck Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars Ferrari Delorean Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars SEMA 2024 Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars SEMA 2024 Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars Fireball Coloring Books Fireball Tim Garage is Automotive Pop Culture Cars


JDM DELOREAN, SoldierCon PPL, Priest Bike & Texas COPS!

Fireball’s all-new JDM DELOREAN BOSOZOKU Canvas MASTERPRINT is now in the Garage! But what City should this be?? YOU DECIDE and you might win a Print!! Just leave a comment on Fireball’s IG…

Fireball met a lot of fans at SOLDIER CON and these two peeps from THE FLIPPING WIZARD were awesome. Check ’em out! Plus Dinmann’s crazy CUSTOM BMW UTE!! So cool!

DID YOU KNOW?? Fireball worked on the film PRIEST and the insane Bikes… which were SCARY FAST. Like skydiving without a parachute… silly DANGERBALL… and finally… while in Texas, he got pulled over by the TEXAS LONGHORN POLICE! At first, VERY intimidating and pretty sure he was going to the pokey… but then they turned out to be fans and they just sat on the side of the road eating licorice and bustin’ a Moooo.

BEST OF SHOW?? This Radical Ridiculous 1975 MGB called “THE MENTAL MIDGET!”

Don’t forget to watch today’s ART TALK LIVE!!

*Your Favorite MOVIE & TV CARS on Canvas, Mugs, Tees… and MORE!

**UNSUBSCRIBE by sending an email to askfireball@fireballtim.com with UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject Line. Done.

***THANK YOU for LEAVING A REVIEW if you’ve snagged something from the Garage! It really helps to create more coolness!

****10% of all Sales goes to DOG RESCUES, so THANK YOU!

SUBSCRIBE to Fireball Tim Garage for MOVIE, TV & KUSTOM CARS!

JDM Delorean Concept Art by Fireball Tim Garage The Flipping Wizard Priest Bike by Fireball Tim Garage Texas Longhorn Police Concept Art by Fireball Tim Garage

Deloreans, Surf Wagons & STARSKY MASTERPRINTS hit the Garage

Invariably, I get asked if I designed the STARSKY Torino… but since I was 11-years old when the show came out in 1976, I say “I’m not that old, buddy…” And even though I’m a fairly young Grandfather, I’ve gotten to work on many films and do tons of cars. But Starsky’s Torino was one of my favorites as the “Striped Tomato…” now with a super cool MASTERPRINT in the Garage! Plus more…!

Also on today’s blast is a Starsky Slide SKETCH, this Volcanic KUSTOM DELROEAN used for the Cover of DIECAST HEROES, (Yea, I know… the Motor’s too small) and some shots from this weekend’s SANTA BARBARA Cars & Coffee visited by a Facel Vega and a crazy-cool 600+/700ftlb ’57 Chevy!! Wow…

Today’s BEST OF SHOW comes outta Camarillo with a sick ratty SURF WAGON! I’m in… WATCH NOW!


*Your Favorite MOVIE & TV CARS on Canvas, Mugs, Tees… and MORE!

**UNSUBSCRIBE by sending an email to askfireball@fireballtim.com with UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject Line. Done.

***THANK YOU for LEAVING A REVIEW if you’ve snagged something from the Garage! It really helps to create more coolness!

****10% of all Sales goes to DOG RESCUES, so THANK YOU!

Starsky and Hutch Concept Art Movie and TV Car by Fireball Tim Garage Starsky and Hutch Concept Art Movie and TV Car by Fireball Tim Garage Custom Delorean Concept Art by Fireball Tim Garage Santa Barbara Cars & Coffee with Fireball Tim Starsky and Hutch Concept Art Movie and TV Car by Fireball Tim Garage


Ok, so you have a DELOREAN TIME MACHINE and you can go anywhere… if you could. But where would it be an WHY? LEAVE A COMMENT below and you could WIN A PACKET of Fireball’s Coloring Books! Plus, he’ll write a STORY based on your idea, GIVE YOU AND YOURS A PLUG and do a SHOUT OUT on Art Talk Live!

For now, check out the amazing DELOREAN Concept Art in the Garage and a host of coolness below, starting with a TIKI POP SKETCH, a Delorean MONSTER TRUCK, Vintage Fireball in the throws of Corgi and Dinky Discovery… and all that with a hot piping BATACHINNO!

Plus, Check out today’s BEST OF SHOW Episode… a super rare 1973 STERLING BRADLEY GT!!

*THANK YOU for LEAVING A REVIEW if you’ve snagged something from the Garage! It really helps!

*10% of all Sales goes to DOG RESCUES! So THANK YOU!

*UNSUBSCRIBE by sending an email to askfireball@fireballtim.com with UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject Line. Done.

Tiki Pop Concept Art by Fireball Tim Delorean Concept Art by Fireball Tim Vintage Fireball Tim Batachinno Art in the Fireball Tim Garage

DOC and MARTY accidentally land Delorean in ANCIENT JAPAN

In a flurry of sparks and electronic whirs, the DELOREAN TIME MACHINE materialized amidst a tranquil bamboo forest in Ancient Japan. Marty and Doc stumbled out, dazed by the sudden shift from Hill Valley… to feudal Ancient JAPAN. “Great Scott, Marty!” Doc exclaimed, adjusting his glasses. “Looks like we’ve landed in 16th century Japan this time!” This time meant that this was trip number 42 in the last 4 weeks. But the first place that caused a REAL PROBLEM.

Marty glanced around at the traditional wooden buildings and samurai warriors passing by. “Well, Doc, how are we gonna get back? We need 1.21 gigawatts, and there’s no power outlets in sight!”

Doc scratched his head, pondering the situation. “Fear not, Marty! We just need to find a way to harness the energy available in this era.”

Over the next hour, they ventured through the ancient village, attracting curious gazes from locals in kimono and straw hats. Doc’s scientific mind raced, considering the resources available in feudal Japan. As they passed a river, he noticed water wheels turning, powering simple machines.

“Water power!” Doc exclaimed. “If we can amplify and channel it correctly…”

But Marty looked skeptical. “But Doc, we need a lot of it, and we’re in the middle of nowhere! And I gotta be in Greece for World’s Fair 3267 by 6pm!

Doc smiled confidently. “Ah, but remember, Marty, the Japanese were masters of engineering. We just need to find a way to scale it up.”

They approached a local blacksmith, who was hammering away at a piece of metal. Through gestures and broken Japanese, Doc conveyed his need for a large-scale water-driven mechanism. The blacksmith nodded knowingly and led them to a nearby river where a massive water wheel was already in use for grinding rice.

With the help of the blacksmith and other villagers, Doc and Marty devised a plan to build a makeshift hydroelectric generator. They used the water wheel to turn a series of gears and dynamos, improvising with materials available in the village.

As the sun set over the mountains, the contraption was finally ready. Doc adjusted the final connections, and the dynamos began to hum with energy. The villagers watched in awe as the lights on the DeLorean began flickered to life.

“Marty, we’ve done it!” Doc shouted triumphantly over the rushing water. “1.21 gigawatts, just like we needed!”

Marty grinned, patting Doc on the back. “I guess science really is universal, Doc.”

And with a flash of light and a surge of power, the DeLorean vanished from ancient Japan, leaving behind a group of bewildered but grateful villagers.

As they reappeared in 1985 Hill Valley, Marty couldn’t help but laugh. “Doc, we just traveled through time and used water power in ancient Japan to get home. This is heavy.”

Doc chuckled, adjusting his cap. “Indeed it is, Marty. But remember, the future is what you make of it! And again, weight is never an issue.”

And with that timeless wisdom, Marty and Doc prepared for their next adventure to Greece, not realizing that they had a tiny Stowaway… But THAT, is another story…

And THIS… is today’s all-new BTTF FIREBALL SKETCH! Check it out IN THE GARAGE!

*Don’t forget to LEAVE A REVIEW if you’ve bought something from the Garage! It really helps!

*UNSUBSCRIBE by sending an email to askfireball@fireballtim.com with
UNSUBSCRIBE in the Subject Line. Done.

DELOREAN TIME MACHINE Concept Art by Fireball TimDELOREAN TIME MACHINE Concept Art by Fireball Tim DELOREAN TIME MACHINE Concept Art by Fireball Tim

BONUS SKETCH! Delorean Monster Truck & Son of the Mask Build

Today’s BONUS SKETCH ponders a new BACK TO THE FUTURE Delorean Monster Truck as it makes it’s way (like Furiosa!) into the outback of ancient Dinosaur ridden Australia! Wouldn’t that be cool for a 4th film?? You Studio Execs listenin??? Check it our IN THE GARAGE, but also in celebrating Fireball’s Sketch this morning from SON OF THE MASK, here’s some BUILD SHOTS from the Land Down Under!

Son of the Mask Car Designer Fireball Tim Son of the Mask Car Build Son of the Mask Car Build Son of the Mask Car Build Son of the Mask Car Build Son of the Mask Concept Art by Fireball Tim

Swat Van Concept Art by Fireball Tim



In 1985, I was taking a plethora of Art Classes at Ventura College having graduated High School in ’83… “which was meant to be.” And ’85 was when BTTF 1 came out. So no, I DID NOT design this car for the umpteenth time, so quit askin.’I saw it in the theater like everyone else… but it was there that I decided that CARS & FILM was it for me. So I got busy…

Many Concept Artists had a hand in the design including the infamous (and now gone) Ron Cobb and my good friend Andy Probert. I worked with Ron on CATS & DOGS and with Andy at Disney IMAGINEERING. Most big movies have several Artists on them, but because of BTTF, I began to lean in hard to Movies as I was growing up in a film family… up on Ojai. My first designs were for the 80’s Twilight Zone and The Phoenix in 1982. Both, my parents Produced. So they let me play and it was awesome.

’89 was when everything changed for me in designing the Batmobile, but the Delorean was the original inspiration for the direction of my life. And it STUCK. I have a crap-load of DIECAST Deloreans, too.

“Universal Studios Special Effects Department built three main DeLorean Time Machines for the first Back to the Future. The film’s producers characterized the DeLoreans with three names: the A car, B car, and C car.” So no, George Barris did not build these.

Everything about BTTF was spot on for what movies should be. Unique, fun, exciting and most of all… something you’ve never seen before. Movies are rarely like that now. Over the years, I’ve gotten to play with the multiple versions of this car in shows, events and toys. And to this day, it is still one of the most unique vehicles ever inspired for film. And this is why it’s IN THE GARAGE NOW, along with other BTTF vehicles I’ve sketched.

What have I missed?? Flying Delorean, BTTF3… yes. But they’re coming folks. I’m closing in on over 400 SKETCHES of TV & Film Cars. Got an idea? REACH OUT.

Until then, grab a MUG and LET’S DO LIFE RIGHT.

Time is no stranger to this unique DELOREAN DMC 21 Concept

Today’s commission comes from the UK and Tyler Delorean who asked me to do his DELOREAN DMC 21 Concept Pickup. This hand-built Delorean Truck made for a really good TIME MACHINE idea that allowed for a much BIGGER Flux Capacitor and Time Displacement Unit. Thus… a farther reach!

Ty’s Delorean can go back and get chased by T-Rex’s or head forward a thousand years to when we colonize Ceti-Alpha Elon 6. Oh wait… was I not supposed to mention that? Wups.

Get Ty’s DELOREAN and all the BACK TO THE FUTURE coolness here in the Garage Store!!


Fireball is a master at Fish-OuttaWater concepts and today, it’s a MONSTER TRUCK DELOREAN SKETCHMASH! What should he do next? REACH OUT and then check out his GARAGE!

BACK TO THE FUTURE Delorean Fireball MERCH!!

Have you seen yet with Fireball’s cooked up with his latest DELOREAN SKETCH!! CHECK IT OUT!