Is this the most flawless Bronco you’ve ever seen? It certainly had people turnin’ heads! Check it out!

MORE… 2021 Ford Bronco renderings surface before the July 13th premiere…

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Anyone have any issues with a July 13th reveal? Hope not. ‘Cause that’s when the 2021 FORD BRONCO is coming out, and it’s about time.

Ford’s got a lot going on, but since we haven’t seen the Bronco, F150 or MustangEV on the road yet, we don’t really know whether it’s all good.

We’re still planning a BRONCO Coloring Book for 2021!!! What are YOU guys looking forward to?? LEAVE A COMMENT.

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2021 FORD BRONCO revealed… again, but in the dirt

By the time the 2021 BRONCO comes out, there’s gonna be a lot of yawns as the spy photos are revealing everything.

This time, Carscoops revealed some video footage of the trucks in the dirt for a photo-shoot. At least OJ was nowhere in sight…

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These are the BEST photos of the 2021 FORD BRONCO yet…

Of course the aren’t photos, silly. They’re renders… but it’s the closest thing to the REAL thing yet! The 2021 FORD BRONCO is coming… but pretty sure JEEP is ready for them.

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The closest reveal of the 2021 FORD BRONCO yet…

The all-new 325hp FORD BRONCO is well on it’s way… and here’s the latest version that is the closest in DESIGN. Looks good, although will it be able to wrangle in the WRANGLER?

What do you guys think of the DESIGN? LEAVE A COMMENT.

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What’s it like to drive a CLASSIC FORD BRONCO?

Man, they just keep on rolling. 

When I originally decided to do this article, I never imagined that I’d be doing it almost four years later at 52 cars a year. That’s over 200 vehicles I’ve done since then, and the Car Peeps just keep coming. It’s awesome. 

And today, it’s Case No. ER249j7. OK that’s not a real case but this guy is an attorney and I want to sound official.

Which brings us to David Olan, a Malibu attorney, surfer and official 1968 Ford Bronco buster. I saw Olan at Malibu Living for an event and he reminded me of his cool Bronco on Latigo. So we set a time and I sauntered over in my Viper. A 650-horsepower Monster to see another Monster.  

But once I got there, I was greeted by another long-time Malibute: Alan Armstrong, who will be another ride of the week.

But Olan’s dark blue Bronco was sitting quietly, waiting to be launched and he began to give me some stats as we drove the car up the bluff for the shoot. 

“It’s got a 351 Winsor V8, power steering and brakes, aftermarket automatic transmission, New Bucket seats, stereo, roll cage, bumpers, running boards (or whatever you called them).” 

For Olan, all he cares about is getting this car to and from the beach. Not a tough job since he lives at Latigo Point. But there are other beaches too, of course. 

He’s had this vehicle since about September 2015 and actually got it from Armstrong, who actually lives across the street from Olan. Sounds like attorney efficiency. 

But Olan loves his Bronco because it’s American, vintage, a convertible and a great surf car. 

Olan then shared his thoughts on the best part of the car. 

“Hearty and cool, runs great and the engine sounds [awesome],” Olan said. 

Since David pretty much only uses this car for scootin’ the Bu and surf trips up and down, it’s awesomeness is strictly shared on a need-to-know basis. And you, my fine free surfheads, need to know.

“People are always commenting on it,” Olan said. “After you did the photo shoot for the Surfside [News], I drove it to Trancas to look for waves. I went to the Vintage Market and a guy with a hot fitness model comes up and excitedly says that the car would be perfect for his photo shoot. I figured he was just a poser, but gave him my number so he could call me. And he did. I told him to come over and he showed up with a full-on entourage and they did a photo shoot with a model and came back the next day when I was gone. Took the car up to Westward with Alan, got some great pics with the model in a bikini standing on the surfboard with the rack.” 

Yes, that’s awesome on an epic level.

“I love the openness of driving the Bronco and being able to look around and ‘feel’ Malibu,” Olan continued. “The soft breezes, smell of the ocean air and beautiful mountains and beaches. Sitting up high on the road, looking at all the people and their cars while they stare, point, wave and honk at me — I get a lot of thumbs up when I drive this.”

Hate to bring this up again — actually I don’t — but Malibu is all about the love. The beauty, food, cars and people. It’s Paradise Found, 24/7. And it’s people like Olan who have managed to snag a cool vehicular contraption to squiddle his way up and down the coast in search of waves. Oh, and if you find yourself in a jam, Olan’s the man to get you out of it. Visit www.OlanLaw.com

His favorite roads? PCH, Bird View through Point Dume and Corral Canyon. Sounds like a hat trick to me.

Want to be featured as my next Ride of the Week? Shoot an email to askfireball@fireballtim.com.

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1968 FORD BRONCO of Badass – FMV301

Fireball & Kathie meet up with Attorney David Olan & his 1968 Ford Bronco. Then get a face-peel. Yuck! SHARE Today’s Vlog!


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Today’s DRIVING THE FUTURE with the #audiquattro #batmobile #fordbronco @kia @hyundai #vw


Some great concepts today including the Corvette Stingray BATMOBILE Concept above, but the plane below is just wicked cool too. It’s slight bigger than a 747.

awwa-sky-whale-concept-plane-by-oscar-vinals1 awwa-sky-whale-concept-plane-by-oscar-vinals4 Ford-Bronco-Concept Infiniti-Q50-Eau-Rouge--1Audi-Sport-Quattro-Laserlight-Concept Kia-Concept-GT-2 StormRod Streets-of-Monaco-Superyacht-0 Viper VW

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Fireball designs 2nd epic SEMA CAR as BRONCO AMERICANA…

Off the heels of the DARK DRAGON MUSTANG being built by Texas-based builder Carlos Molina of PROJEKT CARS comes Fireball’s 2nd design, THE BRONCO AMERICANA for Vanguard Offroad. Horse SKETCH by Master Illustrator Heather Edwards of DOG & DRAGON, a variation of this truck will be in Vanguard’s booth (if all goes well) at SEMA for the show in Vegas starting in November.

The Bronco will feature a host of parts from Vanguard (Fireball and Heather may be there to SKETCH & SIGN, but as you know, things are up in the air until the fat cow sings,) but Fireball’s designing 4 cars at the moment with a potential of a few more. All built by PROJEKT CARS. More to come… but check out the store now for this HOT BRONCO AMERICANA!

Also in today’s blast… WHEELS AND WAVES is only 2 weeks away and word on the street is that it’s going to be EPIC! Keep in mind, this is a Cars & Coffee from 8-10am, but the sheer amount of CUSTOM CARS on the way is wild, many coming from THE VENTURA NATIONALS and as far south as San Diego!. Will you be there at The Channel Islands Maritime Museum??

At the Santa Barbara AUTO EXPO, Fireball gets a shot with superfan, pal and Wellness Expert JENNIFER MCDOUGALL and the infamous Dr. Pepper! What’s more Americana than a Car Show on the grass in the California Sun!

Today’s BEST OF SHOW is this Classic BADASS BLACK LINCOLN! Yes… coming to Wheels and Waves, baby… WATCH!

*Your Favorite MOVIE & TV CARS on Canvas, Mugs, Tees… and MORE!

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***THANK YOU for LEAVING A REVIEW if you’ve snagged something from the Garage! It really helps to create more coolness!

****10% of all Sales goes to DOG RESCUES, so THANK YOU!

Ford Bronco Americana Concept Art by Fireball Tim GarageWheels and waves car show  Fireball and Jennifer McDougall Austin Powers Concept Art by Fireball Tim Garage Emergency Concept Art by Fireball Tim Garage

FERRARI, Kevin Sorbo, Buckaroo, Terminator, & Car Girls!

Are you a fan of EXOTICS? Well, the FTG has just the thing with Fireball’s stunning LA FERRARI APERTA MASTERPRINT SKETCH! This thing is so fast that it might take you some time to catch it before it ends up on your Garage Wall! PLUS, MUGS & TEES! GO NOW!

DID YOU KNOW?? From Ferraris in Pop Culture… Pierce Brosnan debuts as 007 in GOLDENEYE, zipping down a winding European road in a silver Aston Martin DB5. Because he’s James Bond and Goldeneye is his movie, that Aston Martin is allowed to keep pace as a red Ferrari 355 GTS appears in his mirrors. It takes some movie magic and a hefty suspension of disbelief that femme fatale Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen) wouldn’t simply leave Bond in her rearview.

Perhaps Brosnan has a preference for Italian automobiles, given that a Ferrari 360 Modena appears in the introduction to his final film in the franchise, DIE ANOTHER DAY.

Also in today’s terminating BLAST, Fireball snaps with Hercules KEVIN SORBO, some Automotive Pop Culture with BUCKAROO BANZAI (Sketch Coming Soon!), Fireball in the shop with a NEW TERMINATING SECURITY SYSTEM, a super cool Military RAT BUG, some sexy cool MINI FANS snap with Fireball’s 500hp Cooper Crusher and another stunning FORD BRONCO AMERICANA MASTERPRINT! Don’t forget to check out some of the cool cars at the recent CONEJO VALLEY CARS & COFFEE as Fireball snaps with the Mayor of TO!

Today’s episode is a super cool Classic Custom VW BUG! WATCH! (And don’t miss this week’s episode of  here on Facebook!)

  • Fireball Tim Garage is all things AUTOMOTIVE POP CULTURE!
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  • Fireball Tim is a Hollywood Concept Artist responsible for the design of over 400 film & TV Show Cars, Weapons, Sets, Props & Worlds.
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    10% of all Sales goes to DOG RESCUES, so the Pups THANK YOU!
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La Ferrari Automotive Pop Culture Concept Art by Fireball Tim Garage Fireball and Kevin Sorbo Buckaroo Banzai Automotive Pop Culture Fireball with Terminator Rat Bug Fireball Mini Ford Bronco Automotive Pop Culture Concept Art by Fireball Tim GarageFireball and Mayor of Thousand Oaks