Ok, finally got a chance yesterday to see GREEN HORNET in the theater with crowds. Um… I said with crowds. Um… ok, I took my Dad, Fireball Pop, and we got there a little early.

Only… I think people forgot that there was a movie actually in that theater, so… we went to sleep.

Anywho, once the flick started, it was a torrential storm of ACTION, QUIPS, MUSIC , SHENANAGANS, and just plain silliness. On the good side, the acting was ok, the action was WAY OVER THE TOP, especially at the end and the direction was straight to the point.

This… was by definition, a popcorn movie if there ever was one. DON’T expect to see something you’ve never seen before, but just plan to have fun. Pretend you’re ten, then you’ll love it and want GREEN HORNET 2- STUNG AGAIN. (Hollywood Studio Producer Doods, that’s my title and you can’t have it!) ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™………

Peace Out.

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Automotive Inspirations… Your Daily Dose of Cool.

We’re all designers. Design is our core. It’s the creation of something cool. For me it’s cars, but you can be a designer of marketing plans, teams, math equations, shopping lists, balance sheets. Everything is designed. CREATED IN MIND. And if you love what you do, then you’ll become good at it. And that’s the key to life. Love it… or leave it. Then, commit to finding what you love until it comes. …Even if it’s a million dollar car.

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Gettin’ the HEALTH groove on…

People struggle with a lot of things. Money, Love, Health. So, since it’s a triptic, Kathie and I decided a few months ago (6 months actually), to try and improve all three. And we’ve been pretty successful so far. But there’s one area that’s really done well, and that’s health.

6 months ago I weighed 168. That’s too much for a 6’9″ dood like me, being used to being a string bean. Kathie was at a whopping 134. That was a lot for her, too. And we decided to count our calories and work out. And this is what happened…

I began running. A little every day like I used to, then more. We joined a gym. Took classes and did the circuit. Small steps, peeps. Always small steps.

The average person burns about 2000 calories a day. Without exercise. With heavy exercise, it’s about 2500. So, we started making sure we ate less calories. That didn’t mean eat less, it meant ate less calories. We’re both vegetarian, so that helps because your insides are as important as your outsides. If you’re not, it just comes down to looking at the label and writing it down. It’s ok to have that danish if… it keeps you under the 2000 for the day. Just don’t go all hog wild…

6 months later? As in, now. We’ve been averaging between 1400-1600 calories a day, just by paying attention. It’s not hard…. unless you’re just plain lazy.

I’m at 156. Kathie’s at 122. That’s a whopping 12 pounds each! DING!

24 lbs = That’s a small doggie! 5 bricks! A sack a taters! A load of horse doo!

Do the experiment. – 2000 Daily Calorie Limit. 1500 intake = lose weight. Get healthy. Period. My ultimate goal?

155. I’ll have it by Friday. 🙂 Shwing!

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Fireball slops it for CHELSEA LATELY…

So there I was. Standing dormant… when all of a sudden I get a call from the CHELSEA LATELY Show.

“Can you build us a Bicycle Helmet?” The voice on the phone says…

I’m like, “What?”

And he’s like, “Yea, we need an oversized helmet for Chelsea’s brother who has a huge noggen.”

And I’m like… “Cha.” And off we went to set to take a head cast off of Roy, Chelsea’s bro. And yes, he’s got a serious cranium, so we had to use a lot of plaster. And it was messy. But the finished helmet, sculpted by our cool sculptor Bob (you can see below), turned out smokin’ hot and fit perfect. Stay tuned for the episode where you’ll get to see us cast that HUGE head! But I warn you… Chelsea is hardcore and get’s in people’s faces.

“Boys head gots it’s own weather system! It’s like an orange on a toothpick!” So I Married and Axe Murderer.

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Automotive Inspirations… Your Daily Dose of Cool.

You want an answer to your question? Don’t know what to do? Then keep calm, close your eyes and take a breath. Then ASK. The answer will always come, without fail. Through and idea, person or circumstance. But be ready for it and EXPECT it. It’s called INSPIRATION… and it looks like this.

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Automotive Inspirations… Your Daily Dose of Cool.

The most difficult thing for a human being to do is to believe in the unseen. But knowing that the “seen” is an EFFECT, and the CAUSE is our imagination, pretty much everything is seen. Might as well believe it now, right? That’s why they call them Concept Cars. Get out there today and make that dream real!

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Automotive Inspirations… Your Daily Dose of Cool.

A magnifying glass doesn’t work if you keep moving it around. Stay focused on one thing at a time, all the way to its completion. Keep your thoughts one-pointed and watch success move to you. That’s how great cars are built.

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All new PAGANI HUAYRA revealed…

Pagani finally reveals their 700hp Supercar. The HUAYRA. Get in line, because these will go fast. Literally…

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All new SUCKER PUNCH Girl Posters…

If you haven’t seen the trailer for SUCKER PUNCH, it’ll blow your mind. And the posters do the same. Feast your eyes on the women who will hurt you…

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Sunday Car Show and CHOCOLATE…

Well, you can’t have a car show without chocolate, I always say. So, being that this is a car town and I can go up into just about any parking lot to see cool rides, I figured I hit THE CHOCOLATE BOX CAFE at the Malibu Lumberyard first. And I’m glad I did…

Can’t look at cool rides on an empty stomach, so Kathie and I downed a Carmel Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream, then… …stared at fish. (Don’t ask.) Bug and Sammy helped me finish the cream part. Major lickin’s.

Then, we perused the Bu, scopin’ rides. My Sunday Fav? This spanken hot Pontiac GTO in Dark Metallic Aqua.

Yea, the standard money cars were out as you can see, but the GTO had me floored, …flawless. Speedtser and some of the bikes were cool, too. Tons of people came into town to show some serious heavy metal. Just another day in the AUTOMOTIVE ARSENAL.

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