It’s Monday, so get GOING…

A little uplifting Monday fuel. My buddy, Mike Dooley.

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Hey, hey, it’s your BIRTHDAY…


Birthdays are cool. Anyone’s birthday. A chance to get together and get a picture with everyone having a good time. And, with crazy hair. (I need a cut, ya think?) It was my Mom’s birthday this past week, so we hung, ate and did the birthday thing.

She would have enjoyed the Chocolate cake I made. (I know I did!) But, this is my family. At least part of it. My brother, Ethan to the left, then my Pop… Tony, my wife Kathie behind him (With Bug and Sammy) and Ethan’s wife, Dee. No, Sammy isn’t Dee’s hair, duh. Then,… um, …my hair.

Birthdays + Cake = Cool. Plus,… dishes. Not so cool.

Happy Birthday, Mom.

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Kathie causes TROUBLE…

My wife, Kathie, is always causing trouble in her business. This time, with Ellen Degeneres. Despite the havoc that ensues, the “Cup o’ Cocoa” doesn’t care and just keeps dancing…. Ya see what I’ve gotta put up with?

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Just plain FUN…

There’s a time to be serious, and there’s a time to,… well,… go to SEMA and ’cause trouble.


If you haven’t noticed, db and I are taking a short hiatus from THE HOLLYWOOD CAR SHOW. There’s a lot that goes into that show each week and we need to catch up on other things for a bit. Db is in Vegas for a show and I’m developing some new projects. But, we’ll be back soon with the show, no worries.

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Spring has SPRUNG….


I always like Spring. All things new. Time to throw out the crap to make room for more,… CRAP?

No! This time, after 43 years of collecting things that serve no purpose, I’m tossing them out with a vengeance. Like one of those Japanese houses. Simple and easy to clean. And to my surprise, boy I have a lot more than I thought!

Why do we keep all this stuff? Do you know what the #1 business in the US is? IT’S SELF STORAGE!! Crap holders for your crap. When I heard that, it was a big eye opener. Do you think millionaires have storage units full of stuff they don’t use? Well, I set out to find out…

I have a few friends that are doing really well despite what the “economy” says. Why? 2 reasons. After having a dozen conversations, they all said the same thing. “The economy is bad because people BELIEVE it is.” And… “People are in fear, so they hoard.” Ok, so it’s not a consensus across the country, but these guys aren’t having trouble. They believe strongly in what they think, and what they think comes true.

“Whether you’re positive or negative, you’re right.”

So, bottom line. Think and believe that things are ok, and they are. Now, I know what you’re saying… “That’s like living in fantasy land!” Well, if that’s what you believe, right? But if being in fantasy land means that you live without fear and positive about the future, then fantasy land it is. I’d rather visualize a better time than concentarte on how bad things are. You get what you give. Better than being afraid of all the ills of the world and having a storage unit full of crap. (Why not sell that crap and pay off your debt? That’s freedom.)

Happy Spring, y’all.

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A day at the SHOP…

Nicholas Cage Rolls Royce

Why is Nicholas Cage’s million dollar Rolls sitting in the shop? That’s what I thought when I “rolled” in. Well, cuz he has a new movie coming and we’re building two extras. One as a stunt car, and one to…


Ouchy. But that’s what CVS does. Build it, blow it to smithereens.

As I walked the shop, I saw several new cars that Ray brought in from a sale at Paramount. The vans that Tom Cruise drove from “WAR OF THE WORLDS,” several kookie Czeck cars and one of my favorites,… a Ford Saloon. This was the first die-cast that Corgi made. It’s awesome. I want to fully restore her and take her for a spin up PCH.

Oh, and today’s my Mom’s birthday. Family coming over to celebrate. She’s been gone for a short time now and it’s still tough. But we made her a Carrot Cake which she loved. That would have made her happy. …More later.

Bounce back THEORY…


Bouncing back. It’s what we do. But, definitely not the easiest of things…

The country’s in a shambles, your job is at stake, your family is in turmoil, blah, blah, blah. Is that what’s important to concentrate on? NO!!!!!!!

What’s good right now IS THE ONLY THING TO THINK ABOUT.  It’s the only thing that will straighten our road, clear the path, ease the pain.

My partner, Howard was rushed to the hospital yesterday after a heart attack. Luckily, he’s still here. But again, a reminder of what stress can do. An important reminder of eating what’s right for your body, excercising to release stress and thinking in a right way. If you wish to send him hearty good wishes, you can. Email him at

My prayers are with him.

It’s tough to get a reminder of how on the edge we are. How it could end at any moment. What are you waiting for? Do what you love now. Say what you need to say NOW. Live your life NOW!

The past is gone. The future isn’t here yet. All we have is now. So, stop ruining it by holding resentments. They only destroy you. Stop ruining it by being in a job you hate. Find one you love. Stop ruining it by constantly thinking negative thoughts. replace them with positive ones. Read EMMETT FOX or, Elizabeth Towne or Wallace Wattles or anyone that will help you to see clearly. Even if it’s the Bible. Whatever. And just be grateful.

Oh, and do cool stuff. Yes, a scary Octopus. He’s really a nice guy inside….


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Explosive Wolverine TRAILER…

Yea, awesome….And shiny.

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High Octane THINKING…


IF I hear one more time about how bad the economy is, I’m gonna sick these smiles on you. The economy is bad for one reason and one reason only, because we THINK it is. As as long as we concentrate on crap, we’ll get crap and things won’t change. Whether you like Obama or not doesn’t matter. It’s what you do with YOUR life that matters.  And you know what? It’s EASY to think badly because we perceive it to be all around us. Just watch the news. (Which I don’t anymore) It’s much harder to be grateful for what you have and give thanks for the important things, like your kids.

Come on, guys. If you want to change things, you need to first feel that things are important enough to change. And they are. We’ve got to shift into gear, though. If you want to experience true driving, you can’t do that on the way to the market when you’re thinking about something other than driving. You have to make an EFFORT to make things better. It’ takes energy to think right, but it’s the ONLY thing we should be doing in times of struggle. Stop complaining. Stop blaming other people for why things are’nt working in YOUR life. Let’s take responsibility for ourselves and MAKE OUR LIVES BETTER. You can only do that by thinking in such a way that creates more of the same. Like attracts like. If you think about how bad things are, then you’ll get more of the same.

So? Be grateful. Everyday. For the things you CAN’T see. Primarily love. Hating people only makes them hate you. Join me to give your best and be your best. Let’s raise the bar in this house. The U.S. is the best place to live on the planet, and it is because we’re a people of belief and faith. And,… we have cool cars.

It’s takes strength to be better. Look at these little faces. Strong faces of our future. Let’s show them what being strong really means. NOW.

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You’re takin’ a time out, MISTER…

Malibu Attack Poodles

Funny. You work and work and work, forgeting sometimes why you’re working. Then, without a choice, you have to take a time out. We don’t do it enough. It’s necessary for balance and harmony in your life.

There I was, minding my own business when my doggies, Kathie, and I went on a hike. Taking the so called “Time Out.” But my pooches decided to trapes ahead go through the bushes… and through Poison Ivy! And when they can back, I picked them up because I love them so much. And…

Now, I’m sitting here writing this with P.I. ALL OVER ME. I look like a creature from the vegetable world! I never knew how good scalding hot water could feel. Great, since the alternative is the hell of itching.

And a word to anyone who’s ever had it. There’s no cure but to stick it out. Sure, you can deal with the itching with hot water, Vinegar or rubbing alcohol, but it’s gonna run it’s course and you’re gonna deal with it.

The pict above is obviously not our hike. But the same day. Better to have a shot of the ocean than a shot of what I look like in my vegetablness. Oh, and a bath works really well. Only wish I could work all day from there… TIME OUT!

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