Watch ELLEN DeGENERES tomorrow!

My wife, Kathie, built Ellen’s “SUPER SECRET COSTUME” this year for The Ellen DeGeneres Halloween Show. What is it? … Like I’m gonna tell you.

We’ll be there in costume, so see if you can spot us!

WATCH THE SHOW!! KNBC Channel 4 at 4pm pst.


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Fireball’s Cool Designs of the Week!


Ah, the pain of it all. Sometimes it just weens away in peaceful bliss when cars like some of this week’s BADASS vehicles show up.

Now, since my head is on goin’ to SEMA and getting the skinny on some of the world’s best (and worst), I’m gonna keep my rants to a minimum. … Wait, I mean keep my professional blogging to a minimum… and rant all I want, cuz… I can. And CarDomainRob lets me.

SO! Here’s to Rob. (We’re gonna meet up in Vegas and paint the town some ridiculous color. Then get drunk on cool cars!) Anyway, nuf about Sin City…..




What? A Ford that actually looks sweet? (Not that there aren’t other Ford Sweeties) But, when you see a concept car that’s bitchin,’ then the production version sucks a big green walamzoo, then disappointment sets in and you pull a David Carradine. (Was that bad?) Maybe I should have referenced H.R. Puf N’ Stuff? Anyway, LIKE IT!



What is this thing? Hell if I know, but I want one and I want to drive it past my mother-in-law’s house about 80 times with the exhaust missing. Know what I’m saying? Crisp lines in a package of warm chocolate steel. And since it’s a Roadster, I get my added bone up on bug protein. (My Doctor’s been telling me that I’m a bit low. Then again, what does he know? He’s got hair growing out his nose like a tumbleweed. Damn Dirty Ape.)



Now, there’s some cool things about this car… done badly. It’s unique for sure, but has some strange choices that deter from it’s potential coolness. So, below (#4) is the SPADA NASTY. My version. It’s what they shoulda done, had they come to it from the NASTY perspective. NASTY being the all purposeful word that represents something that causes a small short bit of pain, this is what I’d recommend they do. I mean, c’mon. You want to sell this car, or just hang it on a Christmas Tree?



Ok, so maybe not everyone’s cup o’ hot cocoa, but I like it better than the candyass version above it. What do you guys think? I only spent about 5 minutes on this to improve it. Not like it’s a big deal to do it the real mccoy.

Ok. Now for the hardcore stuff….



Nuf said.



Since I’m heading to Vegas, and IF I were driving a MINI, then I’d be driving this. Just a wee bit of BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA.



This ride is sweet. And when it comes out, it’s mine. Great lines, great sculpt, great attitude. AND, great potential. Wups, cat’s outta the bag now…



Yup. This one’s gonna cause a lot of trouble. I may just have to get in on it. Reminds me of a joke…

“What did one old boob say to the other old boob?

We better get some support soon or they’re gonna think we’re nuts.”

What does that have to do with a tuned LFA? Who cares.


T-Minus SEMA time…

Last year at SEMA I got to meet all kindsa cool people. Car People. But not just ANY car people. SERIOUS CAR PEOPLE. And… I got the opportunity to cause some trouble…

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Ima goin’ to VEGAS, baby…

Why Vegas? Well, that’s kind of a silly question considering… Unless you’ve never been? And if you haven’t, then keep an eye smack dab right here!

Why do people go to Vegas? ‘Cause it’s there… and we need to have fun. So, with that in mind, I’m off to SEMA for next week. “The Specialty Excellent MuchoCool Association of Car Stuff.” I’m pretty sure that what it stands for. Whatever. It starts Tuesday, the 3rd and goes through Friday.

I’ll be ransacking new companies to see what’s “bitchin'” and exposing what’s a waste of time. Look for EXCLUSIVE daily shots on my blog and the Car Domain Blog ever day of the show! Cool Cars, Cool Gadgets, Cute SEMA Hostess’s and all around nonsense. It’s SEMA, gone wrong…

For a peek at least year’s worst car, HIT IT.

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The cars of MAD MAX 4!

Been waiting a long time for this. One of my all time favorites, and by the looks of the first shot in this vid, we’ll see Max’s Interceptor again. Cha…

Woodies hit THE BU…

Crusin’ up PCH in LA is always a kick. You get to see the coolest cars on the planet, basically all in one place. Old, new, short, fat, fast, slow, pinched, ported. Whatever is possible with a car, you’re gonna see it here. AND, see them get ticketed. (Poor things)

So, as with most weekends, I jumped in my jalopy and headed up into town. And what did I see, but a hellish amount of Woodies appearing before me. They were all dressed in chrome, colored flames and wood, eager to head beachside, and be up to no good. When all of a sudden, my camera snapped forth, and shutter’d away shots so as not to be bored…th. (Lame)

I salivatory glands were working too hard, trying to keep up with my filling camera card… when to my dissapoint, my wife yelled a flux, “Stop taking pix, you dork, and let’s get to Starbucks!”

So,… we did. Cool Woodies though, eh?


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Cars as a metaphor to SUCCESS?


Heck yea!

Why do I love cars? They MOVE me. In more ways than one. Now, let’s consider this for our Monday morning. Ready?

Cars take us from place to place. Increasing our experience. Expanding our knowledge of the world and ourselves. (That’s why I always like to take new roads.) But, cars are based in ACTION, EXCITEMENT, ANTICIPATION and many other words that represent movement. And we don’t get squat unless we get off our butt and move.

Depressed? Having a bad day? Stop whining and MOVE. Get busy, dangit.

Close your eyes. Design your day, then LIVE IT. And get a cool car ’cause it helps;-)

Oh, and the book for the week? Prentice Mulford’s “THOUGHT ARE THINGS.”

Go get ’em, killer!

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Fireball’s “Cool Designs of the Week!”


Ok, here we go. Ok… wait a second. I need to take a breath on this one. As I do this, I contemplate one of my soccer coaches saying “be one with the ball, Fireball.” So… “I’m being one with the post.” Ok, think I’m ready now…

CARS!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! (Breath) Welcome to another edition of Fireball’s CDW! That “Cool Designs of the Week” for those that have not been affected by my unfortunate condition. I have a terminal illness called “CARdio MyCOOLopathy.” It’s contagious, just so you know. And gets worse every day. Side affects include excessive salivation surrounding sculptured form, eyeball extension involving potential speed and alien bursting chest pain in regards to voluptuous lines. No, I’m not talking about your girlfriends, (although if that were true, what lucky men you’d be) I’m talking about this week’s cool rides.

Oh, an one more thing. As with most weeks, I threw in a few not so cool rides. In the profession, we call them “Suckassters.” I’m just sayin…’ OK!



Ooooo. Knees are quivering. And I’m pretty sure that there’s a cold shower in my near future. A proportionally perfect dynamo of glistened metal. A blissful combination of God induced form. Yea, it’s nice, in a whole Goddess Genevieve just told you that she’s in love with you and will never have another …sort a way. Mmm…



Ok, simple what? Did they put this together with hot glue and planks from left over book covers? C’mon Beemer doods. So, it leans. Seen it. So, it’s got two wheels. Seen it. So, it looks like a bad version of the Viper from BG. Yes, that came out in the 80’s. Unless, … you’re just kidding? IT’S A JOKE! I GET IT!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!



Sick beast of grawling powerness of girthyjunder. What did I just say? Don’t worry, it’s Swedish, I think, for Me lika dis kul carito. ‘Course, need to see it in red.



Wow, when MB does a car with gullwings, they aren’t kidding. Just ordered mine and this is how they delivered it. I photoshoped the green stripes in there ’cause I’m pretty sure that no one woulda believed me. As soon as I finish this (and my coffee), I’m taking my wife on a flight up the coast for a danish. Oh, and the best option? 12 free classes on Heli Drops, Base Jumping and Spalunking. Um… not too sure about the last one.



No, not a car exactly. Although I designed the cover of my Dad’s new book. Check it out. He was one of the top writers in Hollywood. Outer Limits, Hawaii 5-0, Bonanza, Twilight Zone, Route 66 and 3000 others. Just finished a musical and is the subject of an HBO Documentary. Sheesh. All that at 81.



Pop, pitch, point and shoot. It’s a toy. The kind of thing you find in your stocking at Christmas. AND I WANT ONE RIGHT NOW!!! (Does it come with those like silver chocolate balls? I really like those, too.)



Ho, ho. Vat is dis? A vonderful leetle carrrr dat is so vonderful and fool ov Frenchness. Iy loooove dis carrrrr. Soooo sexy. Now, I must have Escargo, see voo plate. (My French is a little rusty.)



I’m sorry for this. So sorry. This Japanese exotic is just not workin’ for me. It’s like… you’d stand right in the middle of it, not sit. It’s so proper and respectful. Am I wrong? It’s so… Japanese. Don’t get me wrong, I love lots of Japanese cars. But the proportions on this go against everything an exotic is about so far. Low, sleek, aggressive. Instead, it’s tall, pinched and proper. I can see it now as I pull up to an exotic car show, get out and say… “Hello everyone. How are you, today?” I mean, you’re supposed to “squeal” up, pop the door, smoooothly get out and say… “Sup.”


Taylor Onewheel

Ok, a little classic coolness. This one? The Taylor One Wheel concept from the 50’s. Maybe the 40’s. A bitchin’ invention for the time that had only one flaw. It would kill you. Now, as flaws go, this is a biggee. (Maybe it’s just me) But, if this car were gonna kill me, I’d have to contemplate driving it, you know. I mean, If I’m gonna be dead… then that might be a dealbreaker. Thoughts anyone?



Why is everyone having a “wonderment” over this car? Um, ok people, this is just another Toyota. Ok, it’s red, and they did that because I called them and complained. The Toyota operator patched me through to the ToyoPrez and we had a heart 2 heart. He listened, I laid it down. He spoke, I set him straight. He got testy, I called his wife. Done. Don’t mess with the Fireball. Oh, the car? Whatever, it’ll sell.

And regarding my disease? You now have it, too. Sorry about that, Cheif.


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I’m proud to ANNOUNCE…

My Dad’s book, “SLOW FADE TO AUTUMN” has been published!

He’s been working on it for many years, and now you can get it HERE and read what an overwhelmingly fantastic life he’s had. A phenomenal Hollywood Love Story. If you get one, please let me know what you think, or let Tony know on his Facebook Page. Slow Fade to Autumn

This man is now 81. And in the last year, he’s completed this book, wrote another book of poetry, wrote a musical with 21 songs, is the subject of a new Hollywood documentary and may be traveling the country soon as the host of a new HBO Documentary.  So, you can get the book signed! Cha.

I’m so proud of him and I hope you guys enjoy it. What a tremendous inspiration.

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What is my INTENTION…


What does THAT mean?

I was talking with a my wife the other day, trying to discover the essence of success. Why do some become successful and others fail to move forward? Well, many people will say many different reasons. But are there different reasons? After talking for about 2 hours, I had a realization. People become successful because they WANT it. Now, you might say “Hey Fireball! That doesn’t make sense! I want it, but don’t have it!” Well, that may be true, but let’s see if we can get to the bottom of this.

Wanting it is obviously not enough. If it were, we’d all be rollin’ in dough. The answer isn’t wanting it. The answer is… What is your INTENTION?  You have to have a clear picture of what you want. #1. Then, you have to have the intention to get it.#2. But you don’t have to know how!

Oh, I can REALLY hear the complaining now. “But, what if I fail? What if it’s the wrong thing? What if I stub my toe and then get abducted by aliens?” (Yea, that WOULD suck) Ok, here’s the thing…

Stop whining! Stop complaining! Stop worrying! Stop taking the train to nowheresville.  START having a clear concise picture in your mind of what you want. START by taking one step. START by believing that you deserve everything that you could ever dream of.  And START NOW.

“Just take the first step. You don’t have to climb the whole staircase.”

Martin Luther King

Any moron can give up. I know 2 that did last week. Both killed themselves, along with their family members.

Do this… Look back on your life with your eyes closed. Remember a time where you were successful at something. Remember what that felt like? Feel it now, as if what you want now has come true. Feel that all the time. FORCE it. Don’t give up, don’t waiver, don’t talk about how bad things are, EVER. GET DOWN TO BUSINESS NOW.

What is YOUR intention? Are you going to let this day  disappear without making it a success and feeling good? Not me. Join me now and make this day a day to remember. And contemplate those that didn’t make it. (But don’t worry, they’ll get another chance.)

And I highly recommend Dr. Joseph Murphy for a great read. Have a great Monday… thru Friday. It’s going to be an AWESOME week.

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