Fireball spots a Ferrari… CRUNCHED!

There I was, tooling around in a silly orange Camaro, when I hit traffic on PCH in Malibu. Why?

‘Cause some rich dood with a Ferrari decided to park right in the middle of the highway! Can’t you believe it!!??? I mean, the noive….

May have had something to do with the fact that he got WHAM, BAM THANKYOU MA’AM’D from the rear. I figure it’s about $50K work of work. Maybe I shoulda left my card?

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FTE REELSPIN! BIG meeting today…

As you know, when you spin the reel, something good always comes out! So, it’s REELSPIN time… I hate this. I really do. When something exciting is happening, I just want to tell someone. But until it’s “fer sure,” I can’t. And that sucks.

But it’s a REELSPIN day. BIG meeting today with a BIG company doing  a BIG film. And if all goes well, FTE will play a BIG role. It’s really exciting and all I can say is that it involves cars. …Duh. Like anything I do wouldn’t…

So, 12 noon it is. But what the heck am I gonna do ’til then? I mean, now I’ve got to think of something else to do with cars for 5 1/2 hours! Yikes! Maybe I should wash my diecasts?

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Fireball’s Alphabet of Awesomeness… The B’s

B. …B is a good letter. It stands for BITCHIN.’ Or maybe BOLONEY. Fried Boloney. Or how about BADASS. That’s a good one.

The word “be” suggests the present moment. As in “I be bitchin.” Which you KNOW you are. Not grammatically the best of usages, but hey, we’re car people and we say things like that.

So, here’s the best of the “B’s.” Not all of them, as the list would go on around the moon, but just a teaser. So, after you’ve checked them out… “Be positive and make something of your day.”

The B’s. Oh, and join in on my upcoming CAR SHOW in Huntington Beach.

Fireball’s Mini Cooper Killers?

Now, Mini Coopers have cornered the market on funky cool. This much we know. But there’s a lot of hot hatches out there and more coming. But is there really a “MCK” out there?

Case in point… The Audi A1 and Citroen Ds3. I’ve heard a lot about these lil’ beasts taking away a wee bit of the Mini control. But, I think not. The doods that buy a MINI are into levity. The A1 and Ds3 are anything but funny.

These two road rockets are destined to be serious pocket powered attitude generators. Therefore, they’re different. But which one is for you? And which one is for me?

The ONLY way judge is to get behind the wheel and lay down the hammer. Let’s see if Audi and Citroen are up for a Fireball foot smack…

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Fireball’s Alphabet of Awesomeness…The A’s

And so it begins…

With the alphabet comes cool cars across the globe. We begin with the A’s. If your name starts with an A, ends with an A, has an A in it or you just like the letter A ’cause it reminds you of Alphabet Soup, this post is for you… man.

Can you name them? I knew that you could…

It’s raining cats and dogs and…


Last night Kathie and I were getting ready for a great dinner. Sit down and watch “Taken.” Awesome flick. Pasta was done. Salad was made. Plates were out… when suddenly.


All the lights went out in the house. But not just ours. EVERY house within a mile was BLACK. So, we pulled out a flashlight, searched for matches and found two. Lit some candles and scooped the dinner.

The dogs were freaking, as they never experienced a black out before. The rain escalated to thunder and lightning. BIGTIME. An hour previously, as the dark grey went darker, Kathie saw something large fly by the bedroom window and land on the roof. What is it? Still don’t know yet.

We chowed by candlelight, ate and enjoyed ourselves. Afterwards, I switched everything to the “off” position, we read by the candles to the likes of Rebecca Beard and went to sleep. Midnight rolled around and I awoke to a bright light in my face. One I forgot to turn off. I checked downstairs for anything else, then scrambled back into bed.

CUT TO: 1:30am. A smell. A smell of garlic. A smell of burnt garlic. Kathie had a dream that she left the water running in the tub. It scared her and she woke me up. I went back downstairs and checked to see… that the stove burner was still ON. We forgot to put the pasta away in the dark and it continued to cook for 6 hours!

Needless to say,… it’s done.

Ah. Life’s an adventure. Welcome to it, folks.

(Photo: AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

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New Tron Poster…

Ahhh, yellow. I’m going to buy one of these when they show up at the dealership. I could ride it to SEMA in Vegas at night. That would be cool.

Oh, oh,… and I could stop for a Mountain Dew at a Del Taco drive-thru. OMG!!! Perfect color for this bike!!! (Course, with the helmet, it might be a challenge to slurp, but hey… those are the serious challenges of life.) Then… off to Vegas, baby. Who’s comin??

Nuther MiniMini with an option!

This from my buddy, Steven Johnson…

Buy a $55,000 Mini and GET A FREE BUS! I’m totally serious… kinda!!! Okay, whose bidden? Do I hear $55,001?? Check out the page HERE.

Thanks, Steve-o!

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Dough up the wazoooo…

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