Out to the shop today…

Meeting Marathons today… But all cool, ’cause today I will be having a special guest out at the shop. DJ Uncle Joe Benson from KLOS Radio is coming by to see our TOP SECRET project vehicle for AutoTrader Classics. He’s gonna get a sneak peek, then.. he’s going to disappear… forever. Ok, just kidding, he’ll only be gone for 1 year. 😉 We’re locking him in a… no,. wait. How about we put him to work on the…? WUPS. Almost said it…


Then, after Joe, an 11am with someone I can’t mention ’cause I’d get in trouble. (No, it’s not the cops, but cooler) Then, we’re heading to the LA Children’s Hospital Corporate Offices in Glendale. Gonna do some cool things with kiddies. And then? I jump into my screaming Mimi and head back to the Bu. Just in time to work out and eat what will be a pre-July 4th test meal.

Oh, man. I’m hungry now. If you see me on the freeway, throw me a snausage!

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REELSPIN… 11 Green Hornet Movie Shots

If you haven’t seen the trailer to GREEN HORNET, then get off yer butt and enjoy these awesome shots of the Black Beauty… followed by the trailer. Just what everyone needs, A RAT A TAT TAT RIDE…

And it looks funny. Since the hoopla has been “Seth Rogan’s gonna suck in this…” I think you may be surprised at how well this does.



Everything vibrates.

Wait, let me say that again… EVERYTHING vibrates. Including YOU.

You can feel it. When you’re angry, sad, energized. It’s all the protons and electrons inside you that are whirling. Whirling at different vibratory rates, according to what you’re feeling. And the REALLY interesting part??

As you vibrate, you become “in tune” with similar vibrations outside of you, attracting them to you. Get it? ISN’T THAT COOL!!?? Ok, here’s a simple example…

You’re pissed. Someone cut you off on the highway, screamed that it was your fault and then ran off. You’re mad. Pretty soon, you’re cursing that dood. What an a-hole. Then, somehow, a minute later you’re talking about something completely different, yet in the same negative way. Your Mother-In-Law, you sister, your kook brother, you job, other a-holes, whatever. If you keep along that pattern, that vibration, THOUGHTS will keep coming to you to support it! Why???

You’re telling your subconscious that that’s what you want. And your subconscious does whatever you tell it. Period. So? What do you do? THE CAUSE.

…Put yourself on the right vibratory pattern!

…Think about only that which you want for today.

…Feel how good that feels to actually have those things.

Your VIBRATION will change to that rate. It will emanate out… then, it will bring back MORE THINGS to support that thought and vibration. THE EFFECT. Remember, it’s SCIENCE. It MUST work that way. 1+1 is ALWAYS 2. Think positive, get positive results… ALWAYS. So, why would you do things to hurt yourself? Especially, now that you know the answer?

You wouldn’t. So make the experiment. Just for today. And let THE INFINITE BLOG know what happens…. Watch you world change through more money, better health, better relationships. Watch as you become HAPPY.

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Barrett Jackson Auction Results…

CLICK. Find your favorite and see what it’s worth. …Then go cry…

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Fireball wrangles the best of BARRETT JACKSON OC…

Serious machines in a serious situation? Well, it’s a buyer’s market is all I have to say. Cars were going out the door at astonishing prices. A 1969 Mustang Mach 1 Fastback, cherry @ $29K. That’s a heartbreaker to the seller, but a golden op for the buyer. I’m glad I left my wallet in the car… I did buy a Johnny Lightning. Cool.

What stood out? The BEST OF BARRETT JACKSON in the OC below….

Photos: John Faulkner

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Cool Cars, Ghosts and Coffee in BIG BEAR…

Ok, not REAL ghosts, but like… kinda ghost-like. Only, nothing like that either…

Just got back from some r&r in Big Bear. Up in the San Bernadino Mountains. It was quiet. Seriously quiet. And although it was quiet, there were cool cars to be found. Some weird ones, too. But… where were the people, yo?

Normally, Big Bear is sportin’ serious population at the local coffee hang outs. But this week? I got Joes 2 Go in 20 seconds flat! We perused the town, I did a run at 5:30am (That was creepy quiet.. and thank God, cause I had serious bed-head!), and we went swimmin’ dog paddlin’-style. It was cool, only hot. 78 degrees at 7000 feet is hot.

Everyone needs r&r. So, find a place and get to it. Be with nature and stop to smell the flowers. Plenty of time to get back to the grind. And bring yer pooches…

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All new TRON LEGACY Poster…


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Fireball Seminar at THE APPLE STORE…

Wow, so the folks at the Apple Store in Santa Monica asked me to come down and do a Seminar about how we use Apple products to design here at FTE. Sounds like fun, eh? I’ll get a chance to hang with you guys and talk cars and movies. Does it get any better?

Join the FACEBOOK PAGE! Come on down. There’ll be free t-shirts and all kindsa surprises.

Barrett Jackson this Saturday…

Hm. Cool cars for sale in Orange County? Oki doki… Come on, join me on Saturday!!


GREEN HORNET First Trailer…

Black Beauty Badass…