Philosophy for a Phriday…

How will you feel when you get the thing you want? Seriously.

Well, ACT that way now. THINK that way now. And before you know it…

you’ll BE that way. …Have a great Holiday weekend folkaroonies!!!

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Yup, it’s Kathie’s Birthday today. And she’s… NOPE! Not gonna say it. Instead, let’s evaluate, shall we?

When we go on a trip, she has to find where the water is and where the best coffee is… immediately. When she gets excited, she jumps up and down and looks at me like “Can we? Can we?!!” She surfs, works out like a machine, loves Good n’ Plenty, loves movies with strong female leads, has a black belt and constantly shows me her right bicep as if to say “You want some a this?!”

She trades stocks, drives a truck, loves pasta and our new Nutri-Bullet. She makes amazing meals out of nothing and I’ve proven this when I’ve scoured the fridge. She tells worse jokes than me and tells me my jokes are bad. (You don’t want to hear the one about the snails.) She spells horrible, takes 5 minutes to sign her name and has 5 different shades in her hair because “it’s just easier that way.”

She haaad an Amazon Shopping Cart so full from over 4 years of “hey, I might buy that,” that for today… I finally clicked “send.” Oh, and as of 7am, she’ll have a new Nirve Lahaina Beach Cruiser. She won’t read any of my posts, so no worries there. (She’s still in Slumberville). And…

She loves me. What else could a man want.

Happy Birthday, my love. 21 years and we’re just getting started. And yes, we can go.

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2012 MITSUBISHI EVO MR Design Review…

I always struggle to find one word that really describes a certain vehicle. Words that have depth, but without getting too metaphysical. Although, that isn’t a bad thing, you have to realize that words are all we have to convey an idea.

Mitsubishi is one of those companies that works hard to envision cars not for drivers, but for what drivers want to feel. Is it to be tough, focused, energetic? Powerful, even? Not in this case, although those are words do exemplify the 2012 Lancer Evolution MR. But they aren’t the word that I’d use…

My word would be “youthful.”

The EvoMR isn’t a youthful car, but it makes you feel that way. Youthful in the way it feels fresh. Not even it’s its new design, but just in that it makes you feel like it’s your first car. You want to take care of it and do things to it. It begs for that…

CAI, exhaust, mods galore follow past generations of Evos and this one is no different. It’s fast, but quiet. THAT must change. Yes, it’s got horsepower for sure and gets the job done, but do we really need to discuss that when all you really want to do is pack it with 600?

It’s comfortable but not racy inside. That will change, too. The car’s name is perfect for it being the “Evolution.” It wants to evolve and develop gradually from a simple to a complex form. And that’s exactly what you ‘ll do with this car.

That’s youth, isn’t it? Its design says “bring your friends… and their junk, too.” “Let’s all go somewhere.” That’s cool.

The overall sculpture is actually very simple and clean, yet evolves into into a very hardcore statement very easily. Just ask anyone who has one. And it’s fun. Gas mileage is 17/22 and I never went to gas up for the week I had it. It’s full of top-notch stock mods including Brembo brakes and all wheel drive, but the biggest selling tool isn’t the car at all.

As I said, it’s what you can do with the EVO that makes it cool, not so much what it is. Just make sure you have a bit of dough left over from the $44K price tag on this version. You can get it de-modded a bit for around $37K, too.

“Fun, youthful, cantankerous, and honry… the Mitsu’ Lancer EvoMR is…” as Yoda would say. And as a first car for a twenty-something or younger, it would be the most fun you could have with your friends. Even when Mr. Policeman pulls you over for the first time from texting. It’ll be funny… until you meet Mr. Judge. Not so funny. For shaaaaammmmeeee….

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Fireball Kid Cosplay…

So this is my son Sean. When he was young. He’s now 25 and wouldn’t be caught dead looking like any of these. Which, is why I need to post them now. But, at the time, it was cool and he wanted to be his favorite characters from movies. Kathie, being a Costume Designer, meant that every Halloween Sean would have to have something really neato and he came to expect it. And Kathie never disappointed him. Pretty awesome…

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Cool Stuff for MONDAY! Cars, Dinos and my HoverDog…

Ok, now we’re WAY outta control. Cool cars just aren’t enough anymore since my dog started hovering. So, along with bitchin’ machines like this Ford Falcon Transformer Edition, handmade BatPod, Triceratops Tractor and art by Matt Brady, let’s make Monday start out with a bang.

Included in this set, the Zues Twelve by Gray Design and awesome Citroen photo by Frenchy Photodood Peter Lippman.


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Time to put up your dukes…


Tomorrow is Monday. The beginning… as we have designed it to be. And I want YOU to take me seriously for a moment… So listen up.

I talk a lot about how important it is to think. Many have since the beginning. To think in the RIGHT way. The CERTAIN way. And yes, you can start you week off just like every other week in the past… and as a result, get what you’ve always gotten. A little bit. …OR, you can join me this week in… THE FIREBALL REVOLUTION. What is TFR? It’s something to get you off your ass and into the next plateau.

THINK like you mean business. Stop pussy-footing around in hopes that you might get what you want… and TAKE WHAT YOU WANT. Like what Morpheus said to Neo… “Stop trying to hit me and HIT ME!!”

Stop getting in your own way by doubting whether you can pull of what you want. Is it a trip? A girlfriend? Boyfriend? Husband? Dog? Car? A new Liver? I don’t give a rat’s rear. DO YOU WANT THIS THING OR NOT!????

If you do. Then join me. AND FIGHT THIS WEEK FOR IT. Believe it’s yours like you never have before. THINK about it. Persist. Focus. FOCUS!!! Make it yours right now.

Will you? Or will you just eek along like the rest?

I don’t. I want my life to be better. I want to take my wife to cool places. I WANT to drive cool cars. I want to LIVE.

Do you? If you do… then starting tomorrow morning, wake up and KICK ASS. Do EVERYTHING better. Eat better, drive to work better, talk to people nicer, use your will to make the world what you want it to be and make it a better place. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, but it’s up to you.

“When you want to become rich, what is the first thing you must do? BE rich in your thoughts, in your actions, even though you must start it on the most modest of scales. Take your life out of all images of limitation and lack and put it into the pattern of opulence and plenty. Act the part!” Robert Collier

Did you hear the story about the Boa Constrictor that entered the Paralytic Ward of the Guayaquil Hospital in Ecuador? When the massive snake arrived through the window, there were eight patients in the ward, all helplessly paralyzed. Ten seconds later, the snake was the ward’s sole occupant.

Every bed emptied. Every patient miraculously cured.

Get focused… and get ready. Tomorrow it’s Monday… and tomorrow… we ROCK N’ ROLL.

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Cool Stuff of the Day… From Bentleys to PlaneThings

Cars, cars and mores cars. Will it ever end? Certainly hope not… at least not within the next 250 years. SO… it’s with no further poodoo that we feast our wet glassy orbs on these awesome metal sculptures. Oh… and a cool Ferrari camera too. Shweeet!

Today… it’s a cool Bentley Barnato Roadster by Ben Knapp Voith, the McLaren X1 Concept, a Transparent Kayak, art by the above Christian Pearce and below character design by Jerad Marantz, the BMW Zagato, a Ferrari F70 Hybrid by David Williams and the Cadillac Glamour Concept. OH, THE COOLNESS OF IT ALL!!

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Phenom HEROGIRLS by Dandonfuga…

As always, lots of great stuff out there. But when you come across art like these Heroines by Deviant Artist Dandonfuga (SEIZON SENRYAKU), you really see the best there is in a given style. There’s more on his Deviant page, but let your marbles roll over these pieces.

Enjoy… and have a great weekend, folks!!


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I’m back. …And Hollywood’s bookin’…

Back from Catalina and Hollywood is fulla crazies doin’ the movie thing. Although we didn’t get to shoot on the island due to the fact that all the Golf Carts were gas powered instead of electric (What’s up with that!!!??), we did have a good time. Photos coming shortly.. And it didn’t sit well with me either that there were hundreds of cars on Catalina and the noise was bad. Everything shoulda been electric by now. For shame…

What’s new? How about the crew shooting FAST SIX? Here’s some shots from the set! MMA Fighter and Newcomer Gina Carano along with Director Justin Lin talkin’ to the boys. Cool. Then, there’s more MAD MAX Cars, of course. Check it…

Shhh… Set Pix from MAD MAX FURY ROAD!

More cars from the new film. Need one. Want one. Gotta have one… You never saw these, and I wasn’t here….